Each month we focus on a different mission partner, bringing you up to date news and a prayer you can use at home.
For the month of January we will be focussing on:
Boaz Trust
Let love speak louder than hostility.
Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
(Hebrews 13: 1-2)
Statistics surrounding immigration in the UK are something of a minefield! Like any statistics, they can be highly confusing and can be used to support opposing points of view.* However, one thing is certain: when it comes to a particular group of people entering the UK, those seeking asylum, the environment they encounter is hostile.
The Boaz Trust is a Manchester-based Christian charity which wants to present a different face to those seeking safety in the UK. Their belief is that these people deserve hospitality, not hostility, and to that end, they provide safe accommodation and holistic support to people who become homeless after claiming asylum, and they set out to challenge the systems which cause such destitution. They also support refugees who have been granted leave to remain in the UK, but who face enormous practical challenges as they try to sort out a home and a job.
"Boaz helps me to have a bright future and makes me eager to live. I went through a lot in my past life. Boaz hope, it is a great hope." (Rahel)
This month, the Boaz Trust is praising God for:
successful wellbeing and training sessions
the news that one person they have been working with has been granted leave to remain
partnerships with other organisations in the fields of advocacy, legal advice and housing, who support Boaz in their core work
a video sharing the stories of two people previously supported by Boaz, which has made it to the final of the Charity Film Awards.
They ask us to pray this month for:
people who have contacted Boaz recently because they are homeless, but who can’t be accommodated in Boaz houses due to the long waiting list
those being supported by Boaz are struggling with their mental health and with a recent family bereavement
effective campaigning to reverse the ban on British citizenship announced in February for people who have been granted refugee status in the UK, but who initially arrived by an irregular route
wisdom and discernment regarding potential partnership and funding opportunities.
956,000 visas were issued in the UK for a non-visit reason – work, study, family and humanitarian reasons.
44,000 irregular arrivals were detected, of which 37,000 (84%) arrived on a small boat
108,000 people claimed asylum, relating to 84,000 cases, with the people arriving on a small boat accounting for around one third.
For more information about about our other mission partners go to the Mission Partners page