Join a Team
St Mary's vision is to be a growing church; growing in faith, growing in understanding, and growing in love for each other and out community. As a thriving and busy church we rely on a lot of incredible volunteers working in teams to help grow our ministries and outreach and to enable us to serve those around us.
Take a look below at some of the opportunities we have for those wanting to explore how they can get involved more. To register your interest in any areas that you might like more details about please complete the form at the bottom of the page and someone will get back to you soon! We also occasionally have job vacancies on our staff team which you can find under the vacancies tab.

What’s involved? Helping maintain the church and church centre, doing any general repairs and upkeep of the facilities as part of a team
Time commitment? The team often work flexibly according to their availability and the tasks that need doing but also meet regularly on Thursday afternoons for anyone who can make it.
Training required? No specific training is required, but some knowledge of D.I.Y would be beneficial. Equipment provided.

What’s involved? Working as part of a team looking after the grounds of the church and helping keep them tidy. Tasks include weeding the flower beds, pruning shrubs, leaf clearing in Autumn etc.
Time commitment? The team spend approximately two hours working each week on a Friday afternoon.
Training required? No specific training is required, on the job advice will be available from team members. Equipment provided.

What’s involved? Teams of two or three come into the church (not church centre) to clean each week. Tasks include dusting, sweeping, polishing. No heavy lifting is required.
Time commitment? Teams clean on a rota basis meaning volunteers work approximately once per month, meeting at a time to suit for approximately two hours.
Training required? No specific training is required, on the job advice will be available from team members. Equipment provided.

What’s involved? Cleaning brasses within church (eg. Candlestick holders, cross, collection plates). Being part of a team who work solo but you would be welcome to bring a partner or make use of the time for quiet reflection
Time commitment? Volunteers serve at a time to suit (when the church can be accessed) for 1-1.5 hours approximately once per month on a rota basis
Training required? Guidance will be given. Equipment provided

What’s involved? Preparing and serving tea and coffee after our Sunday services, being a friendly face to visitors, clearing away cups when people have finished. We are particularly in need of volunteers for the 9.30 and 7pm teams.
Time commitment? Refreshments are served weekly and so teams work on a rota basis, usually serving around once per month.
Training required? No specific training required, clear instructions available in the kitchen and advice will be given by team members.

What’s involved? Being part of our wardens & sidespersons team. Duties include arriving before a service to help set up, welcoming people to our services, helping direct people, being a friendly face to visitors and staying after to tidy/reset for the next service
Time commitment? Volunteers serve on a Sunday around once per month on a rota basis.
Training required? On the job training will be given, with ongoing communication and support from the Church Wardens.

What’s involved? Setting up audio equipment (microphones, fold backs etc) for a service, running a sound check, preparing sound for the livestream, manning sound during the service including for service leader, preacher and band.
Time commitment? Every service we run requires someone to operate the sound. Volunteers work on a rota basis approximately one or two Sunday services per month.
Training required? Full training given and ongoing support available

What’s involved? Preparing service slides using the templates provided, running the PowerPoint slides during the service, operating the camera for our livestream services (9.30am only)
Time commitment? PowerPoint teams work on a rota basis at a service approximately once a month. The streaming team work at the 9.30 services only approximately once or twice a month.
Training required? Full training given and ongoing support available

What’s involved? Buying flowers, taking into account any particular requests by those donating in memory of a loved one, and arranging in church ready for Sunday. Occasional arranging as part of a coordinated team for bigger events and occasions.
Time commitment? Volunteers work on a rota basis, with no flowers required during lent.
Training required? No training required but an eye for colour and floral displays is recommended.

What’s involved? Helping set up the cafe, welcoming and serving customers, preparing drinks, helping to clear up and keep the cafe tidy.
Time commitment? The Heartbeat Cafe is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-2pm. Volunteers work on a rota basis approximately once per month according to availability.
Training required? On the job training, and ongoing support, will be provided by our Cafe Manager.

What’s involved? We have a number of children’s teams with varied roles including setting up/packing away for groups, greeting families, welcoming & registering children, working alongside children during a session, getting to know parents and helping with pre-planned activities.
Time commitment? Ranges from 45mins-2hrs on a rota basis on Sunday mornings (Junior Church) or Tuesday afternoons (Caterpillars)
Training required? DBS check & safeguarding training required

What’s involved? We have a number of youth teams with responsibilities including setting up/packing away, welcoming & engaging young people in activities, supporting the team, serving tuck, engaging young people in discussion groups
Time commitment? Ranges from 1.5-2.5 hours on a rota basis on Sunday mornings (Fuel Sundays) or Friday evenings (Cross-Roads and Fuel Youth)
Training required? DBS check & safeguarding training required
If you are interested in finding out more about any of our opportunities to serve please complete the form below and someone from our team will be in touch soon.
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By submitting this form you give consent to your details being shared with the relevant team coordinator/s and for them to contact you regarding the possibility of volunteering on their team.