(If you are looking to join the Electoral Roll 2025 please
click here)
Why become a member of St Mary’s and Sale West Community Church?
Christians seek “to know Christ and make Him known”. As we grow closer to Jesus we begin to discover what it means to be ‘fully human’ as God intended us to be. We will want to share this ‘good news’ with those who are outside of the church and also with others who are part of the community of faith.
As we seek to live out our faith, so we need the help and encouragement of the local Christian family, the church. If we attempt to live a solitary Christian life then we not only limit our own expression of faith, but also the church family is poorer without our contribution. Joining the church is a natural part of being a Christian.
As you consider making St Mary’s, or any of our worshipping communities, your church home, you may want to prayerfully consider the following Bible passages:
Prayerful consideration
Please use these Bible passages for your reflection:
Acts 2 v 42 - 47: The activities of the church
2 Corinthians 9 v 6 - 8: The generosity of the church
Titus 3 v 4 - 7: The belief of the church
Matthew 28 v 18 - 20: The commissioning of the church
1 Corinthians 12 v 12 - 20: The church includes you
Find out more about what we believe and our vision at St Mary's
As you become part of St Mary's church family we'd love to be able to keep in touch with you, sharing our weekly news and occasional updates and resources. Joining our database will allow you access to the church address book (where members have given permission to share their details with others in the church), past small group notes and sermon recordings.
In addition to joining our database, you might also like to consider:
Joining a Small Group
Praying for the church on a regular basis
Coming to Worship on Sundays expecting to meet with God
Saying ‘hello’ to someone you do not know each week
Offering your time and talents in some active way
Considering the level of your financial support
Listening to sermons
Inviting others to worship at St Mary’s and SWCC

If you would like to join the Electoral Roll 2025 please click the button below