St. Mary’s CE Primary School is the parish school for St Mary’s, established in 1895. The school is a caring, family, church school offering a Christian education to children from the parish and further afield. The Christian ethos is derived from the school Christian values, which are: Trust, Hope, Friendship, Perseverance, Forgiveness and Peace. They believe passionately in nurturing the whole child. The curriculum is designed to allow children to excel academically as well as in the arts and sport. A majority of our Governors are appointed by the Diocese of Chester to ensure the Christian distinctiveness of the school is nurtured.
St Mary’s CE Primary School Mission Statement
In partnership to excellence - A doorway to learning for life
By opening of doors we are showing our children the wonder of God’s world, giving them opportunities not only to learn, but to become caring and thinking human beings who value themselves and others.
School Results
The school's pupils achieve highly in many academic, sporting, musical and artistic endeavours. For details of their results please refer to the school website.
Breakfast and After-school cubs
The school run their own breakfast and after school club ‘Angels’ to provide wrap around care for children from 7:45am to 6:00pm within term time.
The school admits children to its nursery at the start of the term following their third birthday. Children become eligible for admission to Reception Class in September of the academic year for which they will become five. You can book onto tours of the school for both Nursery and Reception. For details of school tours and school admissions policies for nursery and reception please refer to the school website.
If you would like to know more about the school, please visit their website.
Prayer for the school
Church and School Links