The world is facing a climate crisis. As Christians, we believe we have been called to look after the world that God has given us. We have a responsibility to steward well the natural resources around us for the sake of future generations. At St Mary's we explored our response to the climate crisis in light of the story of creation, using a series based on material written by Kerith Community Church. We have a number of resources that can be used alongside this series which can be
found here, including the
Actions & Ambitions Planner. If you would like to re-watch the sermons from this series you can catch them all on our
YouTube channel and the series notes that go alongside this series can be found by
clicking here
We also have a Creation Care Steering Group who are working through the resources and tools provided by
A Rocha UK to help us in our journey to becoming an eco-church. If you are passionate about our planet and want to help us, as individuals and as a wider church community, become more sustainable and eco-conscious please complete the form below and someone from our Creation Care team will be in touch with you soon.