Mission Partners

Dan King was a careforce worker in SWCC. from 2001 – 2002. He and his wife Rachel, a doctor, have always had the vision to serve the Lord overseas using their linguistic and medical skills.
In January 2014 they went to work in South West Tanzania with their children, Aarin and Lydia. Dan was involved in Bible Translation projects in the Myebe province, an area of 3 million people with no Bible in their mother tongue. Rachel worked in the Mbzali hospital with 225 beds and a large Outpatients for people miles around.
January 2020 they re located to UK for Covid and visa reasons. Since then Dan continues support for about 19 people groups, involving on-line consultations and 2 to 3 in person visits per year. Rachel supports the family with her GP work and gives long distance support to Mbzali hospital also.
Their special focus is to see the the completion of the Nyakyusa full bible and the translation of the NT in the Nadal dialect, spoken by 1.5 million people.
Find out more by visiting their personal website or Wycliffe Bible Translators website.
Pray for...
God’s blessing on the newly translated Nyakyusa New Testament being distributed around the waiting church,
Dan and team translating Old Testament into Nyakusa and New Testament into Ndali.
Dan consulting and training translation teams in 5 other African dialects!
Rachel giving long distance advice to Mbzali hospital.
Aaron and Lydia to settle well.
Aaron and Lydia to settle well in the UK culture again.
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