All soldiers

For four years I have been involved in researching the 100-year old local records of the ‘Great War’, so I was delighted that St Mary’s and Sale West were marking the centenary of the Armistice.  All the congregations played a part, each in a different way, and it was moving to see their contributions.
handprint poppiesMy favourite moment was when I walked into church and saw the wreath made from 100 tiny handprints: a touching tribute from children whose lives had never been directly affected by war, but who were learning something of this country’s history and the sacrifices made to ensure our freedom from oppression.

Poppies guidesThe Guides had been hard at work, and used some wonderful skills to produce a veritable waterfall of poppies flowing down the side of the Roll of Honour. They had also painted pebbles with each name on the board, and these were given out to the congregation as a reminder of the need to pray for peace around the world.  A number of photographs of some of the casualties were displayed on the church windowsills, highlighting the humanity of those names and the reality of the terrible cost of war.
Churches around the country rang their bells, as they did 100 years ago, after being silenced for the four years of war, and we played a modest part in that too, with our single bell!  Thanks go to our ‘resident trumpeter’, Rachel Thurston, for sounding the Last Post and Reveille at 11 o’clock – I know how nerve-racking that can be, but as usual she did us proud, and it was much appreciated.  During the 2 minutes’ silence before the 11.15 service we had pictures on the screen of some of the soldiers who had died, to help us focus again on their sacrifice.
I hope the day served, above all, to encourage us to use our privilege of prayer to our loving Father to pray for peace; to pray for those who still suffer in wars; and to pray for His protection over the members of our Armed Services and their families who daily face the threat of violence.  

Cynthia Hollingworth

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