• Quotations are being sought for curtains or screening at the door into church from the centre to reduce noise penetration.
  • There is an issue with storage of spare red church chairs. Despite having created storage areas at the back of church and in the prayer room, spare chairs still tend to gravitate to the prayer room where they are stacked and look untidy. It has been decided the church could manage with 50 fewer chairs and instead use the lounge blue chairs or the hall plastic chairs when we need extra capacity in church, e.g. for Christmas services and Day School Sunday. PCC agreed in principle to selling the spare chairs.
  • PCC discussed ways to reduce energy consumption including the potential use of destratification fans to blow hot air down from the church ceiling. More data is being collected to establish the payback period if we went down this route.
  • Proposals from the missions committee were discussed; in particular a proposal that that the quick reaction fund that has not been spent this year be allocated to Sale West Community Urban Trust. All recommendations were accepted unanimously.
  • The electoral roll stands at 502.

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