Electoral roll - renewal
Every 6 years we are required to compile a new electoral roll. All names on the electoral roll are removed and a new form needs to be completed by all who would like to be on the new roll.
To join the roll you must be
over 16 AND
live in the parish OR regularly attending St Mary's or Sale West for at least 6 months.
Please sign-up to the new roll by completing your details below, making sure you
complete the declarations at the bottom of the form:
Data protection
I agree for my details to be held on the St Mary Magdalene secure IT system, to be used for pastoral and administration purposes of the church (
click here to view our privacy policy).
Sharing your contact details with other church members
Church members often want to contact other church members. Please indicate below which of your contact details you give us permission to share (via telephone enquiries and on the church website members area, accessed by password).
All of my contact details (address, telpehone, email where applicable)
Telephone and email only
Email only
None of my details
1. I declare that (please tick only one box from the following 2 options):
I am baptised and am aged 16 or over
I am baptised and become 16* on
* Those who become 16 in the next 12 months may complete the form and become eligible to be entered on the roll on their 16th birthday.
2. I declare that (please tick only one box from the following 3 options):
I am a member of the Church of England and am a resident in the parish*
I am a member of the Church of England and, not being resident in the parish*, I have habitually attended public worship in the parish during the period of six months prior to enrolment.
I am a member in good standing of a church (not in communion with the Church of England) which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and also declare myself to be a member of the Church of England and I have habitually attended public worship in the parish during the period of six months prior to enrolment.
* to check which parish you live in, enter your postcode into the
parish finder website.
Thank you for completing your details, please click the 'send' button below: