Tell us your story


Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2


Stories matter.

Stories grip people, they encourage people and they uplift people. Using stories was one of the primary ways Jesus engaged with those around him, the disciples shared stories of Christ's life and works, and the Bible gives us the overarching story of God's love and grace. But this story didn't stop with what's written in the Bible; it continues day in and day out through the lives of each one of us.

What's your story?

We each have a story to tell about the way God has been at work in our lives and we want to hear them! Sharing the story of how we came to faith, or the stories of what God is doing in your life and the ways have you have experienced the love of Christ builds faith in ourselves and others. When we hear of how the Holy Spirit is moving and working around us it encourages us to keep praying, to keep listening for God's still small voice, and to keep pressing on in our journey with him. Because sharing our stories brings into the every day, and makes very real, the sort of experiences we read about in the Bible.

Have you experienced a "God-moment" recently? Have you seen God on the move recently? What's the story behind your decision to follow Christ? However big or small, those times we recognise the hand of God over a situation in our lives can be a revelation and encouragement to others. We want to invite you to be on the lookout for God; being watchful for answers to prayer, inviting Him into the details of your life and waiting to see what happens! Then tell the story - in your discipleship communities, with your friends and family, with us. Our prayer is that, as we grow more confident in sharing how we met with Christ and the story of our ongoing journey with God, we will begin to see faith increase and more lives transformed through Christ.

We just love to hear those little snippets of what God's getting up to around us so if you have a story you'd like to share please complete the form below or email them to*

Share your story here

Email Address:
Please tell us your story (approx. 300 words)
All stories may be shared within the staff team, however please let us know if you would be happy for this to be shared with the wider church as well (this may include verbally, in the weekly email or on our website & social media channels)?
  Yes, please share       No, please only share with the staff team
Can we include your name when sharing your story?
  Yes       No, please keep this anonymous
By clicking send you confirm that you are happy for us to read your story and for it to be shared (anonymously where applicable) within the staff team. You also consent to us contacting you regarding your story using the details given.


(*Please be aware that any stories sent to this email address may be shared with others verbally, within the weekly email or on our website & social media channels. If you would prefer us not to share your story beyond the staff team, or for it to be shared anonymously, please specify this in your email.)