Place to call home 5.30

5:30pm Christingle Service

Our Christingle Services are very popular and so we recommend booking in advance to guarantee your seats. Each service lasts approximately 45 minutes and is full of fun, some carols and, of course, the lighting of the Christingle candles.

A collection will be taken at each service for The Children's Society. If you would like to donate you can do so via cash or contactless at each service, or by visiting our dedicated Children's Society fundraising page.

TO BOOK SEATS for the Christingle Service at 5:30pm please follow the checkout form below.
(Tickets available from Friday 6th December)

If you would prefer to book seats at our 4:15pm service please CLICK HERE or, alternatively, seats at our 3pm services will be entirely open to walk-ins on the day on a first-come first-served basis.