Copy of St Mary's Flyer (Prese



In accordance with church governance, every 6 years we are required to compile a new electoral roll.  All names on the current electoral roll will be removed and a new form needs to be completed by all who would like to be on the new roll, including those who have joined previously.

To join the Electoral Roll click the button below. If you would like more information before joining please read on.

join electoral roll

What is the Electoral Roll?

It is our church's register of electors. In the same way that being on the civic electoral roll allows you to vote in parliamentary and local elections and referenda, joining the Church electoral roll means that you can vote on Church matters, attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and stand for election to the PCC (our governing body) or Deanery Synod (the governing body of our 'Deanery', which is a cluster of Benefices/Parishes).

Being on the electoral roll does NOT make you a "member" of the Church; simply regarding St Mary Magdalene with Sale West as your spiritual home does that, but this is the best indicator we have as to what our membership looks like.

Do I have to join?

No, you can be a full and active member of our church without joining the roll. Being on the electoral roll does not entail signing up to any additional commitments, however, it does help the Church show its strength. Representation on the governing bodies of the church depends on the number on the electoral roll.

Joining the roll is essential if you wish to:
  • Stand for election to the PCC or Deanery Synod
  • Attend the APCM and participate in votes
Why join the Electoral Roll?

As well as allowing you to vote on church matters, the size of the roll determines how many people can be part of the PCC. If the roll does not reflect our numbers accurately this means that the PCC would not be representative of our church.

The number on our roll also determines how many seats we can have on the Deanery Synod, giving us a greater voice within the Diocese.

Do I qualify for the roll?

To apply for the electoral roll you must meet ALL the following conditions:
  • You must be aged 16 or over (though you can apply in the year you become 16 and your name will be entered once your birth date has passed).
  • You must be baptised.
  • You must be a member of the Church of England* and EITHER live in the parish** OR have attended at St Mary's or one of our new worshipping communities (Sale West, All Nations, Faith Around the Table) regularly for at least 6 months.

*a 'member' essentially means being baptised, a commitment to the Bible and sacraments (Baptism/Communion), and actively participating in the life of the Church of England community, usually through our church(s)

**you can check if you live within the parish by visiting


If you would like to join the new Electoral Roll please click the button below

join electoral roll

If you have any questions, please contact:

Emma Atkinson,
Danielle Markland, danielle.markland@stmarysaom.og