309816-P85DTF-289MOST OF US ARE GRIPPED by the latest news stories, whether in politics, disasters, sports, or just straight gossip. Whether it’s local or international news, we want to be ‘in the know’ of what’s happening around us.
While all this is very important, something greater is happening around the world. That is the international project to establish God’s Kingdom everywhere, whether in Manchester or China, or in other lands. This work is of vital importance.
To help us get a clearer picture of what is happening in different parts of the world, St Mary’s is once again running a Missions Unpacked evening at the church. It will take place on Tuesday July 2nd July at 7.30pm. The evening will help us to see what God is doing in both the UK and worldwide.
At the different stalls you will find out what is happening in different outreach ministries, and interact first hand with those who are involved in them. You may get to taste some ‘international goodies’ as well!
So book the date, bring your group, and get to share in bringing Gospel light to different parts of the world. Don’t forget: Tuesday July 2nd July at 7.30pm.  See you there! 
David Robinson
Missions Group member

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