EncounterEncounter started at the end of April. It is a 7-week course and as I write this, we’ve just completed week 5.
Encounter is a course for people new to faith or who would like to refresh their faith.  We look at why and how we reflect on Scripture, why and how we pray and look for God encounters that will help us to get to know God better.
Here are some quotes from the current participants:

“The notes prepared for Encounter were excellent and easy to follow.”
 “An excellent course that takes us gently through all the essentials
that lead us to a relationship with God.”
“If one had an encounter with God, how will that move you to do God’s will in the world?”
“A real opportunity to discuss and develop our understanding of how we can develop
our relationship with God through prayer and Bible reading.”
“Encounter has really helped me to better understand prayer and realise the countless opportunities there are each day to speak with God.”
“Excellent course for those who wish to develop a relationship with God and fits perfectly as a follow-on course to Alpha and a prerequisite to Freedom.”
“The study Bible is going to be a great help to my understanding of Scripture
as a relatively new Christian.”

Look out for another Encounter in the Autumn.
Lynne Raphael 

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