Summary of the PCC meeting held on 17th June 2019

  • Following on from the APCM, Brian Macfaden has now been elected as treasurer and Joan will be assisting him in the role.  A formal thank you was given to Joan for serving as treasurer over the past years.
  • A proposal to install CCTV cameras in the church car park was approved.
  • It was agreed to send a donation from St Mary’s to the diocese for Bishop Peter’s retirement gift.
  • A summary of a report given at Deanery Synod was presented with regard to social responsibility and the action taken by churches to look after the environment.  The PCC agreed to look into ‘Eco Church’ by first completing the on-line assessment.
  • The electoral roll stands at 394. 

Summary of the PCC meeting held on 22nd July 2019

  • As part of the PCC safeguarding report a recommendation was put forward to provide ministry staff with mobile phones in order to meet good safeguarding practices.  It was agreed to look into what would be needed.
  • The proposed increases for room hire charges were agreed.
  • The charities to support through the Christmas Market were agreed.
  • The data storage and email systems are currently insufficient for the staff team needs.  Steve Thurston is looking into this and improvements will be made in the coming months.
  • The electoral roll stands at 432.
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