God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6
Living Heaven on Earth
How a Jesus mindset will transform your life
Saturday 29 March
9:30am - 4pm
£5* per ticket.
Drinks and pastries provided. Bring your own lunch.
Book your tickets below.

Do you ever imagine what it must be to be like Jesus: always saying the right things at the right time, having the wisdom to navigate every circumstance that life throws at you whilst remaining loving, forgiving and peaceful?
Do you ever think, “How can I maintain my job, raise a family, pay bills, resolve conflicts and manage my messy life whilst also acting in a way that I know Jesus would love me to?”
This one-day conference is designed to empower you to live with confidence as one who is seated with Christ in the heavenly realms and then to receive His glorious benefits of this lifestyle.
Our keynote speaker will be the prophetic Jane Beaumont, previously Associate Vicar at St. Mary’s, who is passionate about transforming people’s lives with Jesus. Anne Britt will host, with Ian Beaumont as feature speaker. Teaching will include:
Transforming our minds by adopting heavenly rather than worldly perspectives.
Winning the battle between Soul and Spirit
Seeing and hearing God’s presence in the everyday
Encountering the power of spiritual anointing
It will be a social day with fun interactive breakout sessions, allowing you to discuss the teaching and its application in small, facilitator-led groups.
Our prayer is that no matter what life may throw at you in the future, you’ll leave with a new knee jerk reaction to do everything with Jesus’s mindset and thus live above your problems as He did.
Join us and allow God to transform your daily living to Heaven’s perspective.

*We don't want the cost to prevent people accessing this event and are able to offer some complimentary tickets to those who may otherwise be unable to attend. If this would enable you to attend please email office@stmarysaom.org before booking and we would be happy to help.