The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on
Sunday 27 April 2025 at 5.15pm in St Mary's Church Hall
In accordance with church governance, the Electoral Roll is being renewed between Sunday 2 March 2025 to Sunday 30 March 2025.
All names on the previous electoral roll will be removed and a new form needs to be completed by all who would like to be on the new roll, including those who have joined previously.
More details about the Electoral Roll can be found by clicking here. Or if you know you would like to join the Electoral Roll please check click the button below to complete an application form. Paper forms are also available from the church office.

Elections for the PCC will take place at the
Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) on Sunday 27 April 2025.
Joining the PCC
If you would like to stand for one of the 15 places on the PCC please read the leaflet “An overview of the PCC”, available here, speak to Nathan Gregory or Steve Rankin and then complete a nomination form which can be downloaded here.
Criteria for standing for the PCC:
You must be at least 16 years of age
You must be on the Electoral Roll for at least 6 months if you are over 18
You must be a communicant
You must be nominated and seconded by other members of the Electoral Roll
Please be aware that as PCC members act as Trustees for St Mary Magdalene with Sale West Community Church, once appointed to the PCC, you will be required to sign a declaration confirming their eligibility to hold office as a charity trustee and will be asked to sign a Fit and Proper Person declaration. A copy of these declarations can be found at www.parishresources.org.uk/pccs/apcms/.
If you have any questions, please contact: